Sami's Site: CSB - Trellix Publish
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Search engines: Spiders & Robots
People visit your website and read, view, download and play with the interactive content.

But equally important is that unseen, non-human visitor that wanders through your website files. Search engines use spiders (robots) to walk the web and gather information. The longer they stay on your site, the more they gather, the better.  

As you build your web pages, you need to build with both the VISUAL and NON-VISUAL in mind!

USE VISUAL part of the website page
USE NON-VISUAL part of the website page
Enjoy graphic interfaces like:
prefer text links
image links
use the links to go page by page by page
image maps
each page should lead to another like a spider web
rollover buttons
don't build a web page that has a dead end
dynamic menus
prefer to go forward (enter page, find link, exit page)
flash menus  
gather text and content, unable to SEE images
Visually interesting content
instructions where to go/not go

So to please both humans and computers, here are some simple techniques to follow to prepare for best results with search engines:

Use the menus you want, but use a few important text links at the bottom of the page (many webmasters use 9 px or 10 px).  These links serve the robots and also allow the people viewing a long page to go to another page without having to scroll all the way back to the top to access links.   For example: take a look at this page:  TCH offers hosting packages  and has a FLASH menu at the top of the page. Scroll down and you will find the basic menu at the bottom of the page in simple small text links.

Use Meta Tags.  Some are built into the CSB program by using the page properties: Title, Summary, Author, Keywords.  Others can be placed into the header if you use the technique described on this page.  These tags are used by search engines to categorize and identify your site.

Use a robots.txt file.  This file has no formatting, only simple text and often drafted in NOTEPAD for its simplicity. The purpose of the file is a condensed instruction to all robots that visit your site.  Most legitimate bots will look for this file to check for accessible areas and follow the instruction.  It works in conjunction with the meta tags to guide the spiders. This file is uploaded to your site, via FTP program or file manager, etc, not through CSB and is placed into your main directory (where your home page index.htm is located). Below is sample content of a typical robots.txt file   Here's a generator.
User-agent: *          
Disallow: /logos/      
Disallow: /sound/    
Disallow: /test/       
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /cheese.htm   

Though some sites say is  acceptable to place a description on the line, behind the statement like shown below, you are better off NOT including them.  Robots don't need them and it is a document written for them, not humans.
User-agent: *          # Rules apply to all search engines
Disallow: /logos/      # Exclude the entire directory "/logos"
Disallow: /sound/      # Exclude the entire directory "/sound"
Disallow: /test/       # Exclude the entire directory "/test"
Disallow: /cgi-bin/    # Exclude the entire directory "/cgi-bin"
Disallow: /images/    # Exclude the entire directory "/images"
Disallow: /cheese.htm    # Excludes the specific page called cheese.htm

For more information about robot.txt files, take a look at this page.

Include CONTENT on your site.  Keywords are fine. Useful.  But they do NOT help as much as content. Though some search engines still rely heavily on the key words the majority now use the text of the page, in other words CONTENT!  If you have the keywords build into the page properties, and you have paragraphs on the page that describe the same thing, that is the best technique for the best results!

Define your images.  When you right click an inserted image in CSB or Trellix, you have the option to add a description.  Do it!  This description ends up as a floating tool tip for your human visitors, and provides a written description of an image that the robot can not see.  Read more here.

Incoming links get your site found and spidered.  While walking another already spidered site, the bot will follow a link that leads from that site to your site.  If you have cross linked your site properly and used meta tags, descriptions and content, then your own site will also be walked and added to the search engine list. Faster than if you SUBMIT your site using someone's form!  Incoming links of like sites will boost your search engine rankings.  Google and others rank the kinds of links that come into your site based on where they come from.  Enlist the aid of like sites with like purposes to create cross links.  Yes, this boosts your neighbor's rankings, but aids you in the process especially if the site that links to you has a HIGH ranking on the search engine and given importance.

External links can be counter productive if you choose to link to inappropriate sites (link farms with no content just hundreds, thousands of links, etc) that actually can lower your link rankings so make wise choices.

Search engines take MANY factors into consideration. In the end the algorithms are extremely complicated and in constant flux, changing to fit constantly changing standards. There will always be some people that try to FOOL the spiders and mess things up for the rest of us (like keywords!).  Though the suggestions above are well-proven and recommended by all the search engines, checking SEO (Search Engine Optimization) standards every now and then for more ideas is the best way to ride the wave with the best results.
Please take a look at this interesting resource:    Total Choice Hosting - SEO recommendations
Note that there are some companies that try to take advantage of people by hanging out a shingle claiming to be SEO companies.  Read this warning posted by GOOGLE about what to look for before choosing an SEO company to assist you in preparing for search engines.
Publishing with FRAMES can cause problems for some search engines. (info on frames & CSB/Trellix)
I do not recommend the use of FRAMES. Best to design without FRAMES.
But using CSB or Trellix and frames (Static borders usually at top or side not to be confused with IFRAMES) actually has better results than many other programs that produce framed pages.  The science behind the reason is explained below.

The following are taken directly from Microsoft's  SEO web page:
"The problem:  A frame is exactly what the name conveys - they are an HTML page that "frames" other HTML pages. Now, the problem arises when you go to submit. In most cases a framed site will only have one page you can submit, the home page. Since your site uses frames the home page actually has nothing that the search engine can use (i.e. page copy) to determine how to list your site. Why? Because your home page is actually a frameset which does not have any real content... Here's an example that should help you see what we mean. Keep in mind this code is what the search engines see:
image of standard frameset code- no content
"... you should easily be able to see in the above example that their is no real content for the search engine to use to determine how to list your site. All that is there is HTML code. The result is a framed site will often not get listed at all, and if it does it will usually be listed very poorly.

"...the best thing you can do to improve your results is to use the <noframes> tag within your frameset. This tag was originally used for displaying content to people using older web browsers that did not support viewing frames. While just about all web browsers now support frames the <noframes> tag can still be used for content that will help your framed site get listed. In addition, you should also implement the best title tag, and meta tags that you can."

a code generator like CSB, creates framed sites, but not as well as CSB!

CSB makes sure that there is CONTENT for spiders, even on framed sites.  The other generator causes a nearly blank master page with no content, similar to the sample shown above.  

Search engines can not highly rank this page because the content is only in the framed page files not the master page!  This is exactly what the Microsoft page warns about!
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
  <frameset rows="100%,*" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0">
    <frame src="" scrolling="auto" name="redirectframe" noresize>
 is located at <a href=""></a>


HOWEVER, users of CSB/Trellix should take note:  
CSB built pages can be spidered and indexed by search engines like Google, Yahoo and others.  My SEARCH SITE box on the homepage is powered by Freefind and easily indexes framed and non-framed pages!
CSB includes the <noframes> tag as recommended
CSB actually includes the full page content into the main framed page!  Search engines have full access to the page content!  Though CSB creates an empty frameset (as depicted in the image from the Microsoft site posted above) as most Framed pages do, it includes this meta tag on that page: <META content=noindex name=robots> to tell the robot to ignore the page while spidering so the page the search engines spider is the combined page with content!

Prove it to yourself!  Visit this page, choose VIEW SOURCE from the toolbar at the top of the page and look at the FULL CONTENT of the page, including everything from the TOP border and the page body.  I pasted the code for the empty frameset AND the final webpage at the bottom of this page for quick reference.  Scroll down to see.

NOTE: Even though framed pages can and do well in the modern search engines, they are not your best choice for most site navigation. They are however excellent for galleries and indexes and some subdirectories.  Read more about frames here.

I also recommend you test search engine results for yourself!  Try the following three items in the google search engine and see what results you get.

 Search for this:  
RESULT as of the posting of this page  (04/11)
por rok
GOOGLE ranked #4 of about 18,600,000 results  (2009: 1,600,000 results!):
- Lambert por rok page built with CSB and page uses frames
   Lambert appears directly under the manufacturer website as primary distributor of product. Highest possible ranking for this product.
- Has maintained this status for more than EIGHT years (since 2/03).
Yahoo ranked #1 of about 90,900,000 choices
Similar results for other products on this CSB built website made by Sami
(Original CSB website built & maintained by Sami 2000-2010, no prior website built for this company)

GOOGLE ranked #5 of about 33,300,000 results.
- Samisite iframe tutorial page is built with CSB. Several iframes are used on this page, not frames.  Framed borders are used on many other pages on the site, but not this particular page.
- Ranking has fluctuated over the last two years, ranging from 3 - 7 with the competition going up to 33,300,000   (537,000 results in 2009!).
- Has maintained this status for more than SIX years (since 3/05).
Yahoo ranked #5 of about 2,580,000 choices

iframe tutorial
GOOGLE ranked #2 of about 5,120,000 results.
- Samisite iframe tutorial page is built with CSB. Several iframes are used on this page, not frames.  Framed borders are used on many other pages on the site, but not this particular page.
- Ranking has fluctuated over the last two years, ranging from 1 - 5 with the competition going up to 5,120,000   (695,000 results in 2009!).
- Has maintained this status for more than SIX years (since 3/05).
Yahoo ranked #3 of about 254,000 choices

photo borders
GOOGLE ranked #9 of about 622,100,000 results
- Samisite photo borders page is built with CSB and page uses frames.
- Ranking has fluctuated over the last two years, ranging from 1 - 120 with the competition   (6,250,000 results in 2009).
Yahoo ranked #6 of about 21,800,000 results
 (#1 of about 3,490,000 in 2009)

Info on this CSB built FRAMED PAGE:

VIEW SOURCE from CSB's empty frameset:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META name="robots" content="noindex">
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
var TlxPgNm='withframes';
if ( == 'TRELLIX_top'){
else if ( != 'CNTNR_Middle' && (self.innerHeight==null || self.innerHeight != 0))
<META http-equiv="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Created with CuteSITE Builder, HTML Exporter 4.0.108">

VIEW SOURCE from the FRAMED page the visitor and SEARCH ENGINES visit:
Note that the full document is included and will be spidered by the search engines.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>With Frames</TITLE>
<FRAME NAME="mapFrame" SRC="withframes_mf.htm" frameborder="1" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <FRAME NAME="TRELLIX_top" SRC="withframes_cf.htm">
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
<td valign="top" height=50
 BGCOLOR="#660099" TEXT="#080000">
                <tD  VALIGN=CENTER HEIGHT= 35 ><NOBR><div>
<B>Sami's Site: CSB - Trellix Support and Tests</B></div>
                <tD  VALIGN=CENTER><NOBR><div>
 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial" >&nbsp;</FONT><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="1x1.gif" HEIGHT="14" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" WIDTH="7"> &nbsp;<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="1x1.gif" HEIGHT="14" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" WIDTH="14"> &nbsp;<A HREF="id140.htm" TARGET="_top"    TITLE="Title 140"><U><IMG SRC="040070e0.png" border=0 width="7" height="14" ALT="next"  ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></U></A> <FONT  SIZE="1"
 COLOR="#CCCC99" FACE="Arial" > &nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></div>
<td valign="top" height=430
 BGCOLOR="#DDDDDD" TEXT="#080000">
<B>With Frames</B></div>
                <tD  VALIGN=TOP HEIGHT= 788  WIDTH="573"><div>
<B><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="Symb075c00b700f000000000.png" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="24" ALIGN="bottom" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">The top border remains static when the page scrolls.</B></div>
<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="Symb075c00b700f000000000.png" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="24" ALIGN="bottom" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">CAN publish your site map! &nbsp;This adds time to your publishing.</div>
- The map showing at top of page (have it open when publishing)</div>
- The map hidden from view (turn off before publishing) </div>
<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="Symb075c00b700f000000000.png" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="24" ALIGN="bottom" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">Each border is treated as a separate page (frame). </div>
<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="Symb075c00b700f000000000.png" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="24" ALIGN="bottom" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">Each border is independent, potentially having a scrollbar in each section.</div>
You can make them disappear in two ways: </div>
1) adjust the height or width of the border until the content fits into the space and a scrollbar is not needed (BEST),</div>
2) Right click on border &gt;Properties &gt; Page Area &gt; Check Use Scrollbars as needed. &nbsp;If this is left unchecked, then no scrollbars appear (but if content is too large it will not all be seen!)</div>
<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="Symb075c00b700f000000000.png" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="24" ALIGN="bottom" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0">Reload the border or the center part of the page which is great for photo galleries and presentations. &nbsp;&nbsp;<B> </B></div>
<A HREF="id140.htm" TARGET="TRLX_Middle"    TITLE="id140.htm"><U><B>TRY THIS LINK</B></U></A><B> &nbsp;it will change only this page body.</B></div>
<B>The settings used in CSB4 for the link above:</B></div>
<B><IMG SRC="40390120.gif" border=0 width="400" height="274" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></B></div>
<B>Have CSB3 or Trellix? &nbsp;</B>You can type<B> </B><B>target=&quot;TRLX_Middle </B>after the url address. &nbsp;DO NOT<B> </B>put the last<B> &quot; </B>because the program will do it for you!</div>
<B>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</B></div>

CSB Publishing Settings   ·   Using FTP   ·   Search engines: Spiders & Robots   ·   Meta Tag, Keywords, Page Properties   ·   Frames or No-Frames?   ·   Subdirectory   ·   Working Window   ·   Design file image errors   ·   Design file will not save   ·   Publishing Errors   ·   Page Layout   ·   CSB3 & CSB4 Known Issues (Problems)   ·   CSB5 NOTES   ·   Upgrade to CSB5